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Bishop’s Message
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
“We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communities, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel!” On 27 July 2013 Pope Fracis gave this tweet in Twitter. Internet is one of the media of coomunicating Jesus’ love. It reaches far and wide, it consoles the hearts from distance. Pope also told in an interview “Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.”
Let us use the good in this media.
I wish all those who enter this web portal God’s blessings and let this become a carrier of Jesus’ love and grace.
Rev. Dr. Selvister Ponnumuthan
In the Catholic tradition, family is not merely the nuclear community of husband, wife, and one or two children; instead, it is a wider reality with intergenerational relationships. In a time when the family is shrinking into selfish nuclear units, the family ministry of The diocese comprises different commissions and departments that address all possible factions of the family.
Youth Ministry inspires and animates the youth apostolate of the Latin Church towards a deeper Christian awareness and commitment through faith formation. It aims to achieve its objective by working in close collaboration with the Diocesan Youth Commissions, Kerala Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) and other various Catholic Youth Movements in Kerala
The Latin Catholics of Kerala are at the same time a church and a community. Whereas half of the commissions attend to the spiritual needs of the members of the church, the social ministry is concerned mainly with the socio-economic development of the people. The mission of the commissions in the social ministry is the establishment of a just and peaceful society where the dignity of each individual is respected and equal opportunities are availed for every member of the society.
The most important tool for development of any community is good education. Education is not simply an intellectual exercise. Instead it is the process of forming individuals and equipping them for successful life. The education ministry has an integral approach to education. The commissions in the ministry of education reach to wide range of activities that form a total person
Pastoral ministry consists of 10 commissions with typical pastoral nature. The activities of most of these commissions are well organized in every parish. The Charismatic movement and some other activities with spiritual nature which are not separate commissions also come in this ministry. The pious associations, apart from their social involvement, will also come in this cluster. The commissions that come in this ministry are:
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