On Saturday, November 16, 2024, the St. Xaviour’s Animation Center in Pathanapuram hosted a heartfelt gathering of Sisters serving in various parishes across the Punalur Diocese. The event, organized from 10 am to 1 pm, was marked by a time of prayer, reflection, and enriching teachings on the various ministries of the Basic Ecclesial Community. Monsignor Joseph Roy, Episcopal Vicar for Religious graciously welcomed the attendees, setting a warm and prayerful tone for the gathering. The gathering began with a spiritually uplifting seven steps prayer, led by Rt.Rev.Dr.Selvester Ponnumathan, Bishop of Punalur. This was followed by a thought-provoking session on the Religious life and mission, conducted by Anchal SRA Provincial Very Rev. Sr.Deepa Mary. Her insights into the deep spiritual commitment and mission of religious life inspired all present to renew their own calling.
Rev. Fr.Benedict Thekkuvila Coordinator of Ministries then led a session on the various ministries of diocese within the basic ecclesial community, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and service in building the Kingdom of God. The day concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Rev. Sister Rose Carolin MST, who expressed her gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the gathering. The gathering ended on a note of unity and grace, with a closing prayer followed by a lunch, allowing all the Sisters to share in fellowship and strengthen their bonds of service and faith.